[512x - 32x] Forestry [MC1.4 - 1.12]

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Post 16 Jun 2013, 15:56


Deals with farming, renewable energy production as well as the breeding of trees, bees and butterflies.


for MC1.12 by Novamanga

for MC1.10

for MC1.7
v4.0.0+ v3.4.0 - v3.6.9 v3.1.0 - v3.3.0

v2.3.1.1 for MC1.6

v2.2.8.0 for MC1.5

for MC1.4.7
v2.0.0.11 v1.6.4.2

Other textured Forestry mods


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MC1.12 2019-03-05
#Added: Novamanga's updates for MC1.12

v5.2.3 2016-07-23
*Fixed: crated saplings models

v5.1.12 2016-07-19
#Added: blocks: missing fast leaves, greenhouse, loam, cocoons; items: portableAlyzer, cart.apiary & cart.beehouse models, butterfly/moth, camoflaugedPaneling, smoker; gui: noSpaceTank error icon; entitiy: BombyxMori moth, beekeeper & lumberjack zombie villager
*Tweaked: blocks: Farm gearbox; items: wovenSilk, pulsatingMesh; entity: beekeeper & lumberjack villager
-Removed: items: cart.apiary & cart.beehouse; gui: access.private & access.viewable icons

v5.0.15 2016-06-16
*Fixed: All the fences and fence_gates

v5.0.12 2016-06-10
*Updated: File structure

v4.2.2 2015-12-13
#Added: Germlings pollen, beehouse and apiary carts, hot/cold/humid error icons

v4.1.1 2015-11-02
#Added; machine_tank capacity textures

v4.0.2 2015-09-29
!Note: Not compatible with older versions of the mod
*Updated: Squeezer and Centrifuge GUI, Apiarist/Arborists/Lepidopterists Chest

v3.6.9 2015-09-29
#Added: Disabled error icon, biomefinder GUI, ledgerLeft GUI

v3.4.0.7 2015-02-06
*Fixed: Some erpderps with Willow and Poplar logs

v3.4.0.7 2015-02-03
#Added: Cocobolo, Ipe, Padauk, Zebrawood planks, logs and saplings

v3.4.0.7 2015-01-30
!Note: Not backwards compatible with older versions of the mod
#Added: Crate-filled, some error icons
*Updated: Crate
*Renamed: Liquids, some error icons
-Removed: Crates folder, and some other unused textures

v3.2.0.5 2014-11-15
#Added: Apatite, Bronze, Copper, Tin storage blocks

v3.1.1.264 2014-11-07 (silent)
#Added: noPower error icon
*Resized: All other GUI icons to be 64x64 for 512x-64x

v3.0.0.146 2014-09-17 (silent)
*Renamed: beealyzer, mailtrader and worktable GUIs because modders are dumb sometimes -.-

v3.0.0.131 2014-09-13 (silent)
*Updated: worktable GUI and raintank block

v3.0.0.128 2014-09-11
*Updated: mailtrader GUI

v3.0.0.95 2014-09-03
!Note: Not compatible with older versions of the mod
#Added: Buttons.png gui
*Updated: Snow particles, and GUIs

*Fixed: A bug with "changed"/pollinated leaves
*Updated: Gears to be inline with others from BC and TE (silent)

*Tweaked: Candles to work with the new ones... I have no control over the candle colour so some are a bit gaudy.

*Changed: Liquids to CadenDonuts' style for his BC Fuel
*Fixed: The caterpillar animations

!Updated: File structure to MC1.6

#Added: Spectacles, larvae and caterpillars
?Silent: Retroactively added the new hive design (old hives can be found in /mods/forestry/textures/blocks/beehives-old

#Added: Arborist's Chest, and 2 more butterflies

v2.2.6.3 (Silent)
*Minor: Bug fixes (shush!)

#Added: More butterflies, Worktable block and GUI, Escritiore block and GUI
*Fixed: Bee entities that come out of beehive/alveary/apiary

#Added: Another 2 butterflies

#Added: 2 more butterflies(!), LepiChest
*Tweaked: Biomefinder item

#Added: Alveary sieve, Flutterlyzer and Butterflies

#Added: Catalogue item and liquids
*Tweaked: BioGenerator GUI

#Major: Texture overhaul, lots of tweaks and whatnot
#Added: 512x and 256x
*Changed: File structure to MC1.5.1

v2.0.0.10 (Silent Update)
*Changed: 16th plank on blocks.png to match 16th block on arboriculture.png so Cherry slabs/planks match

#Added: Farm Control block

#Added: CraftGuide GUI

*Updated: Electricalengine GUI and triggers.png

*Updated: Error icons, crates with new apatite textures, solderer GUI

#Added: Multiblock Farm blocks and GUI
#Added: Hydroregulator block and GUI
#Added: Grafter item
*Changed: Apatite primarily they are now blue; secondarily the ore and item have been totally changed - item may get more tweaks

#Added: Missing "No Frames" trigger (thanks Nirek for letting me know!)

Version bump: v1.6.5.8beta -> v1.7.0.1

#Added: Willow leaves and more saplings

!Note: No longer backwards compatible.
#Added: Treealyzer item
#Added: Fruit Overlays in arbiculture
#Added: Cherry (thanks Zernicalo), Walnut and Chestnut item
*Updated: Saplings sheet
*Updated: Beealyzer GUI to have V slot
*Tweaked: Sand hive has default sand colour again (it will look out of place compared to other sand, but it always does as hives emit light)

#Added: New sapling
*Tweaked: Apiary block
*Updated: Bees

#Added: Temp items
*Changed: Glass to have "shine"

#Version: ->
#Added: arboriculture.png (trees)
*Tweaked: changed wax cast
!Note: I've changed to SugarSync to see if it makes it easier for me to update without having to fiddle about too much

#Version: ->
*Fixed: Apiary GUI
*Tweaked: Analyzer GUI
*Tweaked: analyzer, engine_tin, generator, fabricator, forester, rainmaker, and treetap blocks

#Version: ->
#Added: Frames

#Version: ->
#Added: Beekeeper villager
*Changed: Apiary GUI to be the same as alveary GUI
*Placeholder: Frame items currently are still default
*Placeholder: "Fat" bees

#Version: ->
#Added: Swarmer hive - it's a humus block and just a general browny/grey comb as it has no set bee inside it and it relatively closely matched the original hive
#Added: Swarmer GUI

#Version: ->
#Added: Alveary fan, alveary heater
*Note: Swarmer hive isn't textured and wax cast needs tweaking

#Minor: ->
#Note: No longer backwards compatible with older version
#Added: Alveary, Apiary and Swarmer blocks, scented planks, bundled planks
*Changed: bee sheet to be greyscale
*Tweaked: Lots of GUIs
*Note: Swarmer hive isn't textured and wax cast needs tweaking

#Minor: ->
#Added: Stained glass, wood planks, wax cast
*Changed: gears to be like the new ones in BuildCraft (Thanks Caden)

#Minor: ->
#Added: Ice shard, glacial bee, glacial liquids
*Changed: Tidied up a lot of liquids
*Fixed: A rogue grey line at the bottom of one of the propolis pipes

#Minor: ->
#Added: Mailalert GUI

>General: This is not backwards compatible with older versions of Forestry!
#Minor: ->
*Note: No texture changes just version bump

#Minor: ->
#Added: Mailbox, Trader, Philatelist blocks and their respective GUIs
#Added: Letter items and GUI
#Added: Tradername GUI
#Added: Candles (don't look at them too hard they're weird blocks :P)
#Updated: Carpenter GUI
#Updated: misc items, errors, analyzer_icons, and triggers for GUIs
*Tweaked: Fabricator GUI
*Changed: File structure again
*Changed: switched phosphor crate and refractory wax crate around

#Minor: ->
#Updated: File structure to reflect the new "future proof" structure
#Added: An unchanged config file to remind myself to do it. Can't see a real use for it for this texture pack.
#Added: Fabricator block and GUI, electron tube item
#Updated: Engine trunks to be more vibrant and to add the orange one (Thanks to CadenDonuts)

#Major: ->
#Added: solder GUI, some more error icons, solderer icon, chipsets
#Updated: apiaristpipe GUI --> black is slightly easier to see and changed the brown line to white as I interpret brown for a Sphax GUI as clear and not white.
*Note: solder item and chips are currently upscaled items and not HD
*Note: there is support (apparently) for HD liquids as well as the habitat locator can now pull HD textures correctly.

#Added: Swamp hive
#Fixed: bioengine GUI
*Tweaked: bulb icon (again)
*Tweaked: matched sand hives to be closer to desert sand

#Minor: ->
#Added: imprinter item, chest icons in misc gui items
*Tweaked: bulb icon, infuser item

>General: this release no longer has backwards compatibility with other versions of forestry
#Updated: bioengine GUI
*Tweaked: pipette item
!Known bug: new bioengine "in use" tank doesn't fill to the top -> waiting to see if this is fixed in the mod before tweaking display
!Known bug: rounded edges of tanks when liquids in them can change colour due to biome/area/"world hue" -> Will probably remove rounded edges

#Added: pipette item, analyzer block, new aviary GUI, analyzer GUI, electricalengine GUI, imprinter GUI, ledger GUI, misc GUI items
*Updated: errors for GUIs
*Tweaked: infuser item
>General: going to stop using version for releases of packs and just use the forestry number (possibly add r1, r2, etc. if more releases are made per version)

#Version bump:> - no changes.

#The old changes will never be posted here. New updates will be.


Original textures by Amon.
Updated by pcmaster160 and HanFox.
Engine trunks, gears, backpacks and liquids by CadenDonuts.
SPARKST3R for some of the blocks.
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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Post 31 Jul 2013, 14:30

HanFox...sorry to point this out again but at least for the 64X pack, the GUI resolutions are 16x or 32x like they were on the Iron Chest pack. =)

I've also noticed the saplings aren't showing a texture in world (in my inventory they are fine). Not sure if that's a bug in Forestry or the pack.
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Post 31 Jul 2013, 16:39

rckymtnrfc wrote:
HanFox...sorry to point this out again but at least for the 64X pack, the GUI resolutions are 16x or 32x like they were on the Iron Chest pack. =)

I've also noticed the saplings aren't showing a texture in world (in my inventory they are fine). Not sure if that's a bug in Forestry or the pack.
Oops. You'd not think selecting the GUI folder to not resize would be complicated... apparently it is (or I'm dumb...). Should be fixed now.

As for the saplings in-world/hand it's the same texture, so it'll be a Forestry or Optifine or Forge bug***
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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Post 06 Aug 2013, 13:21


Can you please make some good looking ctm Textures for all the planks in this mod like the ones in tekkit with the standard planks. would love to see it on the slabs too.
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Post 06 Aug 2013, 16:41

Flamehead wrote:

Can you please make some good looking ctm Textures for all the planks in this mod like the ones in tekkit with the standard planks. would love to see it on the slabs too.
I can, but it's unlikely you'd ever see them if you want to use them in Tekkit as Optifine doesn't support mod CTM yet. MCPatcher supposedly does, but I've never tried it.

I have no plans to do any plank CTM. Working on enough stuff without such frivolity. :P
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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Post 06 Aug 2013, 17:11

HanFox wrote:
Flamehead wrote:

Can you please make some good looking ctm Textures for all the planks in this mod like the ones in tekkit with the standard planks. would love to see it on the slabs too.
I can, but it's unlikely you'd ever see them if you want to use them in Tekkit as Optifine doesn't support mod CTM yet. MCPatcher supposedly does, but I've never tried it.

I have no plans to do any plank CTM. Working on enough stuff without such frivolity. :P
I'm using the textures right now with optifine in both tekkit and FTB. in FTB they were not there from the start but i just imported them from the tekkit sphax ctm folder. it would look really nice but i do understand if its not one of your priorities.
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Post 10 Aug 2013, 12:23

Little update.

*Changed: Liquids to CadenDonuts' style for his BC Fuel
*Fixed: The caterpillar animations
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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Post 15 Aug 2013, 03:17

Is it just me, or in the 128x the Tin and Copper ore blocks are actually different color stone than the base sphax TP? (i.e. the grey stone around the ore)... Could just be my eyes...
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Post 15 Aug 2013, 07:23

Grimamor: You need to turn off Custom Colors in whichever HD patches (Optifine or MCPatcher) that you're using.
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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Post 15 Aug 2013, 10:53

Hanfox, thanks for educating my ignorance! I'll toggle that setting tonight after work to correct this. Appreciate your feedback and especially appreciate your time and efforts put into these mod pack TPs!
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