[512x] OreSpawn [MC1.7]

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Post 06 Feb 2015, 06:01

Note: OreSpawn is no longer legitimately available on Minecraft. By downloading the mod via any means you may be breaching the rights of the mod author.

That's right, OreSpawn! People keep requesting it, but no one is willing to get it started.

Well, there is no way I can do the whole mod patch myself so here is a list of everything that needs to be done, and hopefully enough people will be willing to do one texture at a time until eventually we can get the whole mod retextured. Also, I don't have much experience with collaborative creation, so if anyone has a better way to organize this effort let's make it happen.



X alosaurus.png
X amethyst_1.png
X amethyst_2.png
X ant.png
X AntRobottexture.png
X AttackSquid.png
X AttitudeAdjustertexture.png
X BandPtexture.png
X Baryonyx.png
X basilisk.png
X BattleAxetexture.png
X Beavertexture.png
X Beetexture.png
X Beetletexture.png
X Berthatexture.png
X bikini0.png
X bikini1.png
X bikini10.png
X bikini11.png
X bikini12.png
X bikini13.png
X bikini14.png
X bikini15.png
X bikini16.png
X bikini17.png
X bikini2.png
X bikini3.png
X bikini4.png
X bikini5.png
X bikini6.png
X bikini7.png
X bikini8.png
X bikini9.png
X Bird1.png
X Bird2.png
X Bird3.png
X Bird4.png
X Bird5.png
X Bird6.png
X BlisterBug.png
X Botwtexture.png
O boyfriend0.png
O boyfriend1.png
O boyfriend10.png
O boyfriend11.png
O boyfriend12.png
O boyfriend13.png
O boyfriend14.png
O boyfriend15.png
O boyfriend16.png
O boyfriend17.png
O boyfriend18.png
O boyfriend19.png
O boyfriend2.png
O boyfriend20.png
O boyfriend21.png
O boyfriend22.png
O boyfriend23.png
O boyfriend24.png
O boyfriend25.png
O boyfriend26.png
O boyfriend27.png
O boyfriend3.png
O boyfriend4.png
O boyfriend5.png
O boyfriend6.png
O boyfriend7.png
O boyfriend8.png
O boyfriend9.png
X Brutalflytexture.png
X Brutalfly_overlay2.png
X butterfly.png
X butterfly2.png
X butterfly3.png
X butterfly4.png
X camarasaurus.png
X Cassowary.png
X CaterKillertexture.png
X CaveFisher.png
X Cephadrome.png
X Chainsawtexture.png
X chipmunktexture.png
X chipmunktexture2.png
X chipmunktexture3.png
X Cliffracertexture.png
X CloudShark.png
X Cointexture.png
X CreepingHorror.png
X Crickettexture.png
X cryolophosaurus.png
X crystal_cow.png
X darkmoth.png
X Dragon.png
X dragonfly.png
X EasterBunnytexture.png
X Elevator1.png
X Elevator10.png
X Elevator2.png
X Elevator3.png
X Elevator4.png
X Elevator5.png
X Elevator6.png
X Elevator7.png
X Elevator8.png
X Elevator9.png
X emerald_1.png
X emerald_2.png
X emperorscorpion.png
X EnderKnighttexture.png
X EnderReapertexture.png
X EvilRubberDuckytexture.png
X experience_1.png
X experience_2.png
X eyemoth.png
X fairytexture.png
X fairytexture2.png
X fairytexture3.png
X fairytexture4.png
X fairytexture5.png
X fairytexture6.png
X fairytexture7.png
X fairytexture8.png
X fairytexture9.png
X Fireflytexture.png
X firemoth.png
X Floundertexture.png
X FrogPrince.png
X FrogPrince2.png
X FrogPrincess.png
X FrogPrincess2.png
X Frogtexture.png
X GammaMetroid.png
X Gazelletexture.png
X GhostSkellytexture.png
X Ghosttexture.png
X GiantRobottexture.png
X girlfriend0.png
X girlfriend1.png
X girlfriend10.png
X girlfriend11.png
X girlfriend12.png
X girlfriend13.png
X girlfriend14.png
X girlfriend15.png
X girlfriend16.png
X girlfriend17.png
X girlfriend18.png
X girlfriend19.png
X girlfriend2.png
X girlfriend20.png
X girlfriend21.png
X girlfriend22.png
X girlfriend23.png
X girlfriend24.png
X girlfriend25.png
X girlfriend26.png
X girlfriend27.png
X girlfriend28.png
X girlfriend29.png
X girlfriend3.png
X girlfriend30.png
X girlfriend31.png
X girlfriend32.png
X girlfriend33.png
X girlfriend34.png
X girlfriend35.png
X girlfriend36.png
X girlfriend37.png
X girlfriend38.png
X girlfriend39.png
X girlfriend4.png
X girlfriend40.png
X girlfriend5.png
X girlfriend6.png
X girlfriend7.png
X girlfriend8.png
X girlfriend9.png
X girlfriendgui.png
X girlfriendv.png
X Godzillatexture.png
X GoldFish.png
X gold_cow.png
X Hammerheadtexture.png
X Hammytexture.png
X hydrolisc.png
X Irukandjitexture.png
X Island.png
X IslandToo.png
X items.png
X Kraken.png
X Kyuubi.png
X lapis_1.png
X lapis_2.png
X lavaeel_1.png
X lavaeel_2.png
X LeafMonstertexture.png
X Leon.png
X Lizard.png
X Lizard2.png
X Lizard3.png
X logo.png
X lunamoth.png
X LurkingTerror.png
X Mantistexture.png
X mobzilla_1.png
X mobzilla_2.png
X Molenoidtexture.png
X mosquito.png
X mothscale_1.png
X mothscale_2.png
X MyAlien.png
X Nastysaurustexture.png
X Ostrichtexture.png
X Ostrichtexture2.png
X Ostrichtexture3.png
X peacocktexture.png
X peacock_1.png
X peacock_2.png
X pink_1.png
X pink_2.png
X PitchBlacktexture.png
X Pointysaurustexture.png
X PrinceTeentexture.png
X PurplePowertexture.png
X PurplePowertexture10.png
X PurplePowertexture2.png
X PurplePowertexture3.png
X PurplePowertexture4.png
X QueenBattleAxetexture.png
X queen_1.png
X queen_2.png
X rainbow_ant.png
X Rattexture.png
X red_ant.png
X red_cow.png
X Robot1.png
X Robot2.png
X Robot3.png
X Robot4.png
X Robot5texture.png
X RobotCrabtexture.png
X RockBluetexture.png
X rockcrystalbluetexture.png
X rockcrystalgreentexture.png
X rockcrystaltexture.png
X rockcrystaltnttexture.png
X RockGreentexture.png
X RockPurpletexture.png
X RockRedtexture.png
X Rocktexture.png
X RockTNTtexture.png
X Rotatortexture.png
X Royaltexture.png
X royal_1.png
X royal_2.png
X RubberDuckytexture.png
X ruby_1.png
X ruby_2.png
X Scorpion.png
X SeaMonstertexture.png
X SeaVipertexture.png
X Skatetexture.png
X Slicetexture.png
X spiderdriver.png
X SpiderRobottexture.png
X spinners.png
X spyrotexture.png
X SquidZookatexture.png
X StinkBug.png
X Stinkytexture1.png
X Stinkytexture10.png
X Stinkytexture11.png
X Stinkytexture12.png
X Stinkytexture13.png
X Stinkytexture14.png
X Stinkytexture15.png
X Stinkytexture16.png
X Stinkytexture17.png
X Stinkytexture18.png
X Stinkytexture19.png
X Stinkytexture2.png
X Stinkytexture3.png
X Stinkytexture4.png
X Stinkytexture5.png
X Stinkytexture6.png
X Stinkytexture7.png
X Stinkytexture8.png
X Stinkytexture9.png
X swimshorts0.png
X swimshorts1.png
X swimshorts10.png
X swimshorts11.png
X swimshorts12.png
X swimshorts13.png
X swimshorts14.png
X swimshorts15.png
X swimshorts16.png
X swimshorts17.png
X swimshorts2.png
X swimshorts3.png
X swimshorts4.png
X swimshorts5.png
X swimshorts6.png
X swimshorts7.png
X swimshorts8.png
X swimshorts9.png
X termite.png
X TerribleTerror.png
X textures.png
X TheKingtexture.png
X ThePrincesstexture.png
X ThePrincesstexture2.png
X ThePrincetexture.png
X TheQueentexture.png
X TheQueentexture2.png
X tigerseye_1.png
X tigerseye_2.png
X TRextexture.png
X Triffidtexture.png
X TrooperBug.png
X Tshirttexture.png
X ultimate_1.png
X ultimate_2.png
X unstableant.png
X Urchintexture.png
X vbutterfly1.png
X velocityraptor.png
X velocityraptor2.png
X velocityraptor3.png
X Vortextexture.png
X WaterDragon.png
X Whaletexture.png
X WhiteDragon.png
X WormLargetexture.png
X WormMediumtexture.png
X WormSmalltexture.png

O antnest_bottom.png
O antnest_side.png
O antnest_top.png
O blockamethyst.png
X blockenderpearl.png
X blockeyeofender.png
X blockmobzillascale.png
O blockruby.png
X blockteleport.png
O blocktitanium.png
O blockuranium.png
O butterfly_0.png
O butterfly_1.png
O butterfly_2.png
O butterfly_3.png
O corn_0.png
O corn_1.png
O corn_2.png
O corn_3.png
X creeperrepellent.png
X crystalcoal.png
X crystalcrystal.png
X crystalfairy.png
X crystalflower_blue.png
X crystalflower_green.png
X crystalflower_red.png
X crystalflower_yellow.png
X crystalfurnace_front_off.png
X crystalfurnace_front_on.png
X crystalfurnace_side.png
X crystalfurnace_top.png
X crystalgrass_bottom.png
X crystalgrass_side.png
X crystalgrass_top.png
X crystalpink_block.png
X crystalplanks.png
X crystalrat.png
X crystalsapling.png
X crystalsapling2.png
X crystalsapling3.png
X crystalstone.png
X crystaltermite_bottom.png
X crystaltermite_side.png
X crystaltermite_top.png
X crystaltorch.png
X crystaltreeleaves.png
X crystaltreeleaves2.png
X crystaltreeleaves3.png
X crystaltreelog.png
X crystaltreelog_top.png
X crystalworkbench_bottom.png
X crystalworkbench_side.png
X crystalworkbench_top.png
X ducttape_bottom.png
X ducttape_inner.png
X ducttape_side.png
X ducttape_top.png
X dungeonspawner.png
X duplicatortreelog.png
X experiencesapling.png
X extremetorch.png
X firefly_0.png
X firefly_1.png
X firefly_2.png
X firefly_3.png
X flower_black.png
X flower_blue.png
X flower_pink.png
X flower_scary.png
X generic_solid.png
X island.png
X kingspawner.png
X krakenrepellent.png
X lavafoam.png
X leaves_apple.png
X leaves_cherry.png
X leaves_experience.png
X leaves_peach.png
X leaves_scary.png
X lettuce_0.png
X lettuce_1.png
X lettuce_2.png
X lettuce_3.png
X moledirt.png
X mosquito_0.png
X mosquito_1.png
X mosquito_2.png
X mosquito_3.png
O moth_0.png
O moth_1.png
O moth_2.png
O moth_3.png
X ore.png
X orealien.png
X orealosaurus.png
O oreamethyst.png
X oreattacksquid.png
X orebaryonyx.png
X orebasilisc.png
X orebat.png
X orebeaver.png
X orebee.png
X oreblaze.png
X oreboyfriend.png
X orebrutalfly.png
X orecamarasaurus.png
X orecassowary.png
X orecaterkiller.png
X orecavefisher.png
X orecavespider.png
X orecephadrome.png
X orechicken.png
X orechipmunk.png
X orecliffracer.png
X orecloudshark.png
X orecockateil.png
X orecow.png
X orecrab.png
X orecreeper.png
X orecreepinghorror.png
X orecricket.png
X orecriminal.png
X orecryolophosaurus.png
X orecrystalcow.png
X oredragon.png
X oredragonfly.png
X oredungeonbeast.png
X oreeasterbunny.png
X oreemperorscorpion.png
X oreenchantedcow.png
X oreenderdragon.png
X oreenderknight.png
X oreenderman.png
X oreenderreaper.png
X orefairy.png
X oreflounder.png
X orefrog.png
X oregammametroid.png
X oregazelle.png
X oreghast.png
X oregirlfriend.png
X oregodzilla.png
X oregodzillapart.png
X oregoldcow.png
X oregoldfish.png
X orehammerhead.png
X orehercules.png
X orehorse.png
X orehydrolisc.png
X oreirongolem.png
X oreirukandji.png
X orekraken.png
X orekyuubi.png
X orelargeworm.png
X oreleafmonster.png
X oreleon.png
X orelizard.png
X orelurkingterror.png
X oremagmacube.png
X oremantis.png
X oremediumworm.png
X oremolenoid.png
X oremooshroom.png
X oreMOTHRA.png
X orenastysaurus.png
X orenightmare.png
X oreocelot.png
X oreostrich.png
X orepeacock.png
X orepig.png
X orepointysaurus.png
X orerat.png
X oreredcow.png
X orerotator.png
X orerubberducky.png
X oreruby.png
O oresalt.png
X orescorpion.png
X oreseamonster.png
X oreseaviper.png
X oresheep.png
X oresilverfish.png
X oreskate.png
X oreskeleton.png
X oreslime.png
X oresmallworm.png
X oresnowgolem.png
X orespider.png
X orespiderdriver.png
X orespit.png
X orespyro.png
X oresquid.png
X orestink.png
X orestinky.png
X oreterribleterror.png
X oretheking.png
X orethekingpart.png
X orethequeen.png
X orethequeenpart.png
O oretitanium.png
X oretrex.png
X oretriffid.png
X oretrooper.png
X oretshirt.png
O oreuranium.png
X oreurchin.png
X orevelocityraptor.png
X orevillager.png
X orevortex.png
X orewaterdragon.png
X orewhale.png
X orewitch.png
X orewitherboss.png
X orewitherskeleton.png
X orewolf.png
X orezombie.png
X orezombiepigman.png
X pizza_bottom.png
X pizza_inner.png
X pizza_side.png
X pizza_top.png
X queenspawner.png
X quinoa_0.png
X quinoa_1.png
X quinoa_2.png
X quinoa_3.png
X radish_0.png
X radish_1.png
X radish_2.png
X radish_3.png
X redanttroll.png
X rice_0.png
X rice_1.png
X rice_2.png
X rice_3.png
X scary_solid.png
X skytreelog.png
X strawberry_0.png
X strawberry_1.png
X strawberry_2.png
X strawberry_3.png
X termitetroll.png
X tigerseye.png
X tigerseye_block.png
X tomato_0.png
X tomato_1.png
X tomato_2.png
X tomato_3.png

X acid.png
O amethyst.png
X amethystaxe.png
X amethysthoe.png
X amethystpickaxe.png
X amethystshovel.png
X amethystsword.png
X amethyst_boots.png
X amethyst_chest.png
X amethyst_helmet.png
X amethyst_leggings.png
X antrobotkit.png
X appletree_seed.png
X bacon.png
X basiliskscale.png
X battleaxesmall.png
X bbblade.png
X bbguard.png
X bbhandle.png
X berthasmall.png
X bighammer.png
X blackheels.png
X blt_sandwich.png
X bluefish.png
X boots.png
X butter.png
X buttercandy.png
O butterfly_seed.png
X cagealien.png
X cagealosaurus.png
X cageattacksquid.png
X cagebaryonyx.png
X cagebasilisc.png
X cagebat.png
X cagebeaver.png
X cagebee.png
X cageblaze.png
X cageboyfriend.png
X cagebrutalfly.png
X cagecamarasaurus.png
X cagecassowary.png
X cagecaterkiller.png
X cagecavefisher.png
X cagecavespider.png
X cagecephadrome.png
X cagechicken.png
X cagechipmunk.png
X cagecliffracer.png
X cagecloudshark.png
X cagecockateil.png
X cagecow.png
X cagecrab.png
X cagecreeper.png
X cagecreepinghorror.png
X cagecricket.png
X cagecriminal.png
X cagecryolophosaurus.png
X cagecrystalcow.png
X cagedragon.png
X cagedragonfly.png
X cagedungeonbeast.png
X cageeasterbunny.png
X cageemperorscorpion.png
X cageempty.png
X cageenchantedcow.png
X cageenderdragon.png
X cageenderknight.png
X cageenderman.png
X cageenderreaper.png
X cagefairy.png
X cagefirefly.png
X cageflounder.png
X cagefrog.png
X cagegammametroid.png
X cagegazelle.png
X cageghast.png
X cagegirlfriend.png
X cagegoldcow.png
X cagegoldfish.png
X cagehammerhead.png
X cagehercules.png
X cagehorse.png
X cagehydrolisc.png
X cageirongolem.png
X cageirukandji.png
X cagekraken.png
X cagekyuubi.png
X cagelargeworm.png
X cageleafmonster.png
X cageleon.png
X cagelizard.png
X cagelurkingterror.png
X cagemagmacube.png
X cagemantis.png
X cagemediumworm.png
X cagemolenoid.png
X cagemooshroom.png
X cageMOTHRA.png
X cagenastysaurus.png
X cagenightmare.png
X cageocelot.png
X cageostrich.png
X cagepeacock.png
X cagepig.png
X cagepointysaurus.png
X cagerat.png
X cageredcow.png
X cagerotator.png
X cagerubberducky.png
X cagescorpion.png
X cageseamonster.png
X cageseaviper.png
X cagesheep.png
X cagesilverfish.png
X cageskate.png
X cageskeleton.png
X cageslime.png
X cagesmallworm.png
X cagesnowgolem.png
X cagespider.png
X cagespiderdriver.png
X cagespit.png
X cagespyro.png
X cagesquid.png
X cagestink.png
X cagestinky.png
X cageterribleterror.png
X cagetrex.png
X cagetriffid.png
X cagetrooper.png
X cageurchin.png
X cagevelocityraptor.png
X cagevillager.png
X cagevortex.png
X cagewaterdragon.png
X cagewhale.png
X cagewitch.png
X cagewitherboss.png
X cagewitherskeleton.png
X cagewolf.png
X cagezombie.png
X cagezombiepigman.png
X caterkillerjaw.png
X chainsawsmall.png
X cheese.png
X cherries.png
X cherrytree_seed.png
X cookedbacon.png
X cookedcrabmeat.png
X cookedpeacock.png
X corndog_cooked.png
X corndog_raw.png
O corn_seed.png
X crabbypatty.png
X crabmeat.png
X creeperlauncher.png
X crystalapple.png
X crystalpinkaxe.png
X crystalpinkhoe.png
X crystalpinkpickaxe.png
X crystalpinkshovel.png
X crystalpinksword.png
X crystalpink_ingot.png
X crystalsticks.png
X crystalstoneaxe.png
X crystalstonehoe.png
X crystalstonepickaxe.png
X crystalstoneshovel.png
X crystalstonesword.png
X crystalwoodaxe.png
X crystalwoodhoe.png
X crystalwoodpickaxe.png
X crystalwoodshovel.png
X crystalwoodsword.png
X deadirukandji.png
X deadstinkbug.png
X ducttape.png
X egg.png
X eggalien.png
X eggalosaurus.png
X eggantrobot.png
X eggattacksquid.png
X eggbaryonyx.png
X eggbasilisc.png
X eggbeaver.png
X eggbee.png
X eggboyfriend.png
X eggbrownant.png
X eggbrutalfly.png
X eggbutterfly.png
X eggcamarasaurus.png
X eggcassowary.png
X eggcaterkiller.png
X eggcavefisher.png
X eggcephadrome.png
X eggchipmunk.png
X eggcliffracer.png
X eggcloudshark.png
X eggcockateil.png
X eggcoin.png
X eggcrab.png
X eggcreepinghorror.png
X eggcricket.png
X eggcriminal.png
X eggcryolophosaurus.png
X eggcrystalcow.png
X eggdragon.png
X eggdragonfly.png
X eggdungeonbeast.png
X eggeasterbunny.png
X eggemperorscorpion.png
X eggenchantedcow.png
X eggenderdragon.png
X eggenderknight.png
X eggenderreaper.png
X eggfairy.png
X eggfirefly.png
X eggflounder.png
X eggfrog.png
X egggammametroid.png
X egggazelle.png
X eggghost.png
X eggghostskelly.png
X egggirlfriend.png
X egggodzilla.png
X egggoldcow.png
X egggoldfish.png
X egghammerhead.png
X egghercules.png
X egghydrolisc.png
X eggirongolem.png
X eggirukandji.png
X eggkraken.png
X eggkyuubi.png
X egglargeworm.png
X eggleafmonster.png
X eggleon.png
X egglizard.png
X egglurkingterror.png
X eggmantis.png
X eggmediumworm.png
X eggmolenoid.png
X eggmosquito.png
X eggmoth.png
X eggMOTHRA.png
X eggnastysaurus.png
X eggnightmare.png
X eggostrich.png
X eggpeacock.png
X eggpointysaurus.png
X eggrainbowant.png
X eggrat.png
X eggredant.png
X eggredcow.png
X eggrobot1.png
X eggrobot2.png
X eggrobot3.png
X eggrobot4.png
X eggrobot5.png
X eggrobot6.png
X eggrotator.png
X eggrubberducky.png
X eggscorpion.png
X eggseamonster.png
X eggseaviper.png
X eggskate.png
X eggsmallworm.png
X eggsnowgolem.png
X eggspiderdriver.png
X eggspiderrobot.png
X eggspit.png
X eggspyro.png
X eggstink.png
X eggstinky.png
X eggtermite.png
X eggterribleterror.png
X eggtheking.png
X eggtheprince.png
X eggtheprincess.png
X eggthequeen.png
X eggtrex.png
X eggtriffid.png
X eggtrooper.png
X eggtshirt.png
X eggunstableant.png
X eggurchin.png
X eggvelocityraptor.png
X eggvortex.png
X eggwaterdragon.png
X eggwhale.png
X eggwitherboss.png
X eggwitherskeleton.png
X elevator.png
X emeraldaxe.png
X emeraldhoe.png
X emeraldpickaxe.png
X emeraldshovel.png
X emeraldsword.png
X emerald_boots.png
X emerald_chest.png
X emerald_helmet.png
X emerald_leggings.png
X emperorscorpionscale.png
X experiencecatcher.png
X experiencesword.png
X experiencetree_seed.png
X experience_boots.png
X experience_chest.png
X experience_helmet.png
X experience_leggings.png
X fairysword.png
X firefish.png
X firefly_seed.png
X gamecontroller.png
X godzillascale.png
X greenfish.png
X greengoo.png
X greyfish.png
X hammysmall.png
X iceball.png
O ingottitanium.png
O ingoturanium.png
X instantgarden.png
X instantshelter.png
X irukandjiarrow.png
X jumpybugscale.png
X krakentooth.png
X lapis_boots.png
X lapis_chest.png
X lapis_helmet.png
X lapis_leggings.png
X laserball.png
X lavaeel.png
X lavaeel_boots.png
X lavaeel_chest.png
X lavaeel_helmet.png
X lavaeel_leggings.png
X lettuce_seed.png
X magicapple.png
X mantisclaw.png
X minersdream.png
X mobzilla_boots.png
X mobzilla_chest.png
X mobzilla_helmet.png
X mobzilla_leggings.png
X molenoidnose.png
X mosquito_seed.png
X mothscale.png
X mothscale_boots.png
X mothscale_chest.png
X mothscale_helmet.png
X mothscale_leggings.png
O moth_seed.png
X netherlost.png
X nightmarescale.png
X nightmaresword.png
X peach.png
X peachtree_seed.png
X peacockfeather.png
X peacock_boots.png
X peacock_chest.png
X peacock_helmet.png
X peacock_leggings.png
X pinkfish.png
X pink_boots.png
X pink_chest.png
X pink_helmet.png
X pink_leggings.png
X pizza.png
X poisonsword.png
X popcorn.png
X popcorn_bag.png
X popcorn_buttered.png
X popcorn_buttered_salted.png
X queenbattleaxesmall.png
X queenscale.png
X queen_boots.png
X queen_chest.png
X queen_helmet.png
X queen_leggings.png
X quinoa.png
X radish.png
X randomdungeon.png
X ratsword.png
X rawpeacock.png
X RayGun.png
X redheels.png
X rice.png
X rock.png
X rockblue.png
X rockcrystalblue.png
X rockcrystalgreen.png
X rockcrystalred.png
X rockcrystaltnt.png
X rockfish.png
X rockgreen.png
X rockpurple.png
X rockred.png
X rocksmall.png
X rockspikey.png
X rocktnt.png
X royalsmall.png
X royal_boots.png
X royal_chest.png
X royal_helmet.png
X royal_leggings.png
O ruby.png
X rubyaxe.png
X rubyhoe.png
X rubypickaxe.png
X rubyshovel.png
X rubysword.png
X ruby_boots.png
X ruby_chest.png
X ruby_helmet.png
X ruby_leggings.png
X salad.png
O salt.png
X seamonsterscale.png
X seavipertongue.png
X sifter.png
X skatebow.png
X slicesmall.png
X slippers.png
X sparkfish.png
X spiderrobotkit.png
X squidzookasmall.png
X step_accross.png
X step_down.png
X step_up.png
X strawberry.png
X strawberry_seed.png
X sunfish.png
X sunspoturchin.png
X thunderstaff.png
X tigerseye_axe.png
X tigerseye_boots.png
X tigerseye_chest.png
X tigerseye_helmet.png
X tigerseye_hoe.png
X tigerseye_ingot.png
X tigerseye_leggings.png
X tigerseye_pickaxe.png
X tigerseye_shovel.png
X tigerseye_sword.png
O titanium_nugget.png
X tomato_seed.png
X trextooth.png
X ultimateaxe.png
X ultimatebow.png
X ultimatefishingrod.png
X ultimatehoe.png
X ultimatepickaxe.png
X ultimateshovel.png
X ultimatesword.png
X ultimate_boots.png
X ultimate_chest.png
X ultimate_helmet.png
X ultimate_leggings.png
O uranium_nugget.png
X vortexeye.png
X waterball.png
X waterdragonscale.png
X woodfish.png
X wormtooth.png
X wrench.png
X zoo10.png
X zoo2.png
X zoo4.png
X zoo6.png
X zoo8.png
X zookeeper.png

And to start us off (with a big thanks to HanFox!) here is the corn texture pulled straight out of the Useful Resources thread and some other textures I knocked out real quick.


Also, boyfriends:

Ant nest, ruby block, amethyst block, corn plant, butterfly plant, and moth plant added to WIP Patch Download.
Last edited by Konlii on 11 Feb 2015, 04:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 09 Feb 2015, 19:40

One day, this is going to be awesome! Thanks for getting started!
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Post 14 Feb 2015, 06:14

i'd like to help out. but i currently have a lot on my plate with 3 wip threads and a mod pack to maintain but i'll post here what i get done.
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Post 07 Sep 2015, 16:38

Can someone please turn these 512x textures in to 128x ones?
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Post 29 May 2016, 18:59

Can someone please resize these? Preferably 64x but 128x would also do!
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Post 08 Jun 2016, 20:32

is this thread dead?
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Post 08 Jun 2016, 20:48

By the looks of things, yes
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Post 09 Jun 2016, 22:42

Yeah, I have made zero progress on this since last year.

Anybody want to adopt it? .psd files for what I've done (other than the boyfriends) are included in the patch download already.
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Post 11 Jun 2016, 18:33

oh okay I wanted to add this mod to my game but I like everything sphaxed.
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Post 03 Jan 2023, 03:04

Ore Spawn is is Available he has just been inactive AtlanticCraft (Cody) has just recently released Crazy Craft 4
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