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Installation Guide

The main resoucepack
  1. Open Minecraft and navigate to “Options” then “Resource Packs”.
  2. Click “Open resource pack folder”.
  3. Download the version of the pack for the version of Minecraft you’re playing and place the zip in your resourcepacks folder.
  4. Go back to Minecraft (you might need to exit the resourcepacks screen and re-open it).
  5. Click the pack to enable it.
  6. Click “Done” and wait for Minecraft to load the textures.
  1. Open Minecraft and navigate to “Options” then “Resource Packs”.
  2. Click “Open resource pack folder”.
  3. Download the pack and place in resourcepacks folder.
  4. Go back to Minecraft (you might need to exit the resourcepacks screen and re-open it).
  5. Click the pack to enable it.
  6. Make sure any Addons are above the main BDcraft pack.
  7. Click “Done” and wait for Minecraft to load the textures.

Why can only Nvidia 10 series and better cards use 512x on certain versions?
  • The reason is quite simply that Minecraft builds all the items and blocks in to one big texture, known as a texture atlas. When using 512x this atlas is huge.
  • Most graphics card can only handle a maximum texture resolution of 16,384 pixels by 16,384 pixels (older cards can be less).
  • However, Nvidia 10 series and later cards for some reason can handle 32,768 pixels by 32,768 pixels.
  • So for a simple bit of maths a 16,384² atlas when using a full 512x resolution resourcepack can only fit 1,024 textures on it.
  • As of MC1.16 vanilla Minecraft has 1,143 blocks plus items textures, and with each Minecraft version this number grows.
  • The “simple” fix would be if Mojang split blocks and items up, but as they only work in 16x they have no need to as they can fit over a million textures in the atlas.

Image Guide